czwartek, 24 marca 2011

Kolczykowo =}

2 komentarze:

  1. i kolejne kolczykowe cuda:)
    naprawde sliczne:)
    pozdrawiam serdecznie

  2. Thank you for your nice comment in my blog!:)
    It's almost time for draw a winner, but I have change the Candy a little bit:).
    I've put some more stof, stamps and 1 new punch into a "give away" for ..only my followers, because I want to show that I appreciate them:)
    I send this mail to almost all of the Candy-comenst girls, so that you can have the opportunity to win the all..if you want off caurse!:)

    Wish you a lovely day!
    Hugs, Ellen..and good luck!:

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I cant find you on my follower-list!?:)


Dziękuję za każde miłe słowo, a jeszcze bardziej za konstruktywną krytykę =}